Israel passes law to strip citizenship of Palestinians convicted of terrorism

Tel Aviv: Israel on Wednesday (local time) approved a law to strip citizenship over “terrorism” offenses, reported The Times of Israel.

The Knesset approved a law to strip convicted terrorists with Israeli nationality of their citizenship — provided they receive funding from the Palestinian Authority or an associated organization.

The bill, which passed with 94 votes in favor and 10 against in the Knesset, also paved the way for Israel to expel people from the country or annex east Jerusalem.

The law, an amendment to Israel’s 1952 Citizenship Law, applies to both Israeli citizens and permanent residents incarcerated following a conviction for terror, aiding terror, harming Israeli sovereignty, inciting war, or aiding an enemy during wartime, and enables the interior minister to revoke their status after a hearing, reported The Times of Israel.

The law enables citizenship to be revoked even if the person lacks a second citizenship, provided they have a permanent residence status outside of Israel. Once citizenship is revoked, the person would be denied entry back into Israel.


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